A lot of kissing going on over there! BTW, I had two cats just like that, one after another. They were both named Max - after the hero of Castaneda’s feline saga from his Journey to Ixtlan!:)
I'm waging haiku as a weapon against my own ignorance.
The poetry and photos on this blog are my work unless otherwise stated, and should not be used without permission and credit.
A stranger blew you a kiss! And then you blew us all a haiku kiss.. What a day!
A lot of kissing going on over there! BTW, I had two cats just like that, one after another. They were both named Max - after the hero of Castaneda’s feline saga from his Journey to Ixtlan!:)
this is Wingnut, also known as "Lord of the Manor". the humble humans are his staff, permitted by sheer graciousness to attend to his every whim.
kissing is one of the best things around- I try to experience it in as many forms as possible.
Cenas em que o cotidiano se desfaz em luz... Sensíveis - cenas, essência, vida!
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